
Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Step 5 - STEM Showcase - 2022 2023

 Showcase by 4th class 

 Children in 4th designed and constructed a "Ping Pong Ball Run". They used obstacles and varied friction and decline levels to slow down the ball. The aim was to keep the ball moving, for the longest time possible, using the force of gravity alone.  They were allowed to use their best time out of three attempts. If the ball stopped for more than five seconds the score did not count. They also showed off their projects to first and second class. They demonstrated, to the younger class, how they measured their times. The other class were then allowed to test it out. Recycled materials (cardboard, paper, tape left over from a build) were used to create the constructions.

1st and 2nd class really enjoyed the presentation 4th class gave them. They outlined how they made their project, explaned 'friction', and then gave 1st and 2nd class the opportunity to ask questions. the best bit of all was actually trying out the game 4th class created! everyone was in agreement that 4th class did a great job!

All of our classes regularly showcase their science work on the notice boards around the school, it is always nice to see what is going on in other classrooms and it gives children the opportunity to read and ask questions about the work of others.

Corridor Display 

Notice board dispays in Science from a variety of classes ....

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