
Thursday, 5 March 2020


Junior Infants – Mrs. Marlborough

Strand : Environmental Awareness and Care
Strand Unit : Caring for my locality – specifically our classroom!

We talked about and identified simple ways that we can keep our classroom clean, tidy and safe. We all agreed that it is important to have a nice, clean, safe and tidy room. As a class we all work together to achieve this.

Key words we used:
Clean, Tidy, Safe.

Here are some of the ways that we achieved this goal

·      In our classroom, we have learned to keep our school bags under our seats. This makes it safer for everyone and ensures that no one trips or falls over a school bag or the straps of a school bag. Our classroom looks tidier as a result.
·      We push our chairs in every time we leave the classroom. This ensures that no one is going to fall over or trip on a chair that is left out in the middle of the floor.
·      We have learned to tidy our books away either by putting them into the centre of each table if work is not finished or by putting them onto the shelves in the press. Also our toys are tidied away after play time. We make sure that all lids are put back on, playdough is put back into containers, lego into its boxes and everything is neatly in its place. We have 2 minion leaders that oversee these jobs every day.

·      Reduce, reuse and recycle: With the help of our green schools team we have learned over the past 6 months to be more aware of how we dispose of our rubbish and also how certain materials can be recycled and reused. We wash our cartons and containers which can be reused for various art projects.
·      When using scissors, we hold them in a safe manner and we never ever run with a scissors in our hands and after use the scissors are always put back into the scissors box.

These are just a few small steps we have made to make Room 1
a safe, tidy and clean learning environment.

Well Done Junior Infants!!!

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