
Wednesday, 23 June 2021

STEP 5 - Sharing our science work

 We love to share our science work with each other in Scoil Mhuire!

It was difficult to share our work with each other this year  in our usual ways because of Covid-19 so we had get a bit creative. One of the ways we shared our work with each other was by making videos, and discussing our work live using Microsoft Teams.

Here are some pictures of 3rd class watching a science video created by senior infants, Mrs Doheny's senior infants created rockets while they were learning about energy and forces this year, they shared their experiment with 3rd class via video and then 3rd class were able to learn about energy and forces from senior infants!!

We also bought new notice boards for our corridors this year and we were able to share some of our science project work by displaying them on notice boards also.

Mrs Keane's Junior Infants did a very interesting activity all about cleaning up the ocean, when they had it finished they left at out reception area so that all our classes could see it!